Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, In Earth As It Is In Heaven

Prayer Against the Spirit of Perversion

I stand in the unwavering authority bestowed upon me through the divine grace of Christ Jesus. The Word assures me that I possess the power to overcome the enemy, and no harm shall befall me.
I stand declaring my authority in the name of Jesus, who is the:
Disarmer of principalities and powers.
The One who has power over death.
The One who came that we might have life and life abundant.
The One who came to destroy the works of the devil.
The One who led captivity captive.
The One who has divided unto Him a portion with the great.
The One who has overcome the world.
I stand, proclaiming my triumph over the lion and the cobra, over the forces of darkness, and my victory is assured through the mighty name of Christ Jesus.

I stand contending against spirits of perversion wrestling against me and my loved ones.
I contend against all principalities, powers, and wicked rules that attempt to promote, push, and entangle me or my loved ones in perverse actions, deeds actions, activities, and the like.

I bind the strong man of perversion in the name of Jesus.

I bind the strongman that his goods and house may be spoiled.

I decree that chains be fastened prohibiting further activity, influence, corruption, movement, actions, functioning, exploits, or diversions.

I bind the strong man of perversion in the name of Jesus according to the spiritual principle instructed by Jesus that what we bind on the earth shall also be bound in heaven.

And what I decree shall be established according to the principle found in Job.
Father, thank You for releasing heaven’s resources, which I decree in Jesus’ name under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Thank You that what I decree be done on the earth, that the very tentacles, the hands, or feet possessed by this spirit, be bound, fastened, chained, tied, prevented, prohibited, limited, constrained, and confined in Jesus’ name.

In Jesus’ name, I declare that any satanic orders issued to the spirit are restrained and part of the footstool of Jesus, who is Lord. I declare they are entirely subject to Him, subdued, and that His feet are on their necks.

I declare there are new orders, divine instructions and guidance, enacted over my life and the lives of my loved ones.
I declare new orders derive from Christ’s kingdom, characterized by righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
I declare that my loved ones and I are under new orders ordained from the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of the Almighty, the Kingdom of Elohim, and the Kingdom of the Righteous Judge. We are steadfastly aligned with His will and His Word, standing apart from all that is unclean.

I loose this spirit. I unloose its ties, fastening from my life and the lives of my loved ones. I loose the bonds, chains, ropes, restraints, shackles, and tethers placed upon any one of us in the name of Jesus by the Word.

Father, may the effects, consequences, reactions, aftermath, and ramifications also be loosed. May the effects and implications of this spirit’s activities and efforts be dissolved, destroyed, and broken up. May they be loosed so that there are no remains or residue. I loose and dissolve any remainders of uncleanness, every kind of lust, unholy affections, immorality, unholy relationships, impure motives, unethical and immoral relationships.

I declare we shall not touch the unclean thing, referring to any form of sin or impurity that may lead us astray from God’s will.
I declare we shall come from among them and be separate.
I declare we shall not go into the houses of the wicked to eat and drink with them.
I declare we will choose to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.
I declare we withdraw from those who walk disorderly and have no desire to be saved, righteous, clean, whole, holy, or walk on the straight and narrow.
I declare we withdraw ourselves from those who insist on doing what is right in their own eyes.
I declare we shall leave them with the good news and sever the connections.
I declare there is a detachment from the unclean.
Thank You for the righteousness available through Jesus Christ and His work, a state of being in right standing with God, which we can attain through faith in Him.
Thank You, Father, for sober-mindedness, right-mindedness, morality, virtuousness, and decency.
I decree that we shall wear righteousness.
I decree that we shall wear morality.
I decree that we shall wear virtuosity.
I decree that we shall walk in self-control.
I decree that we shall not give in to the lusts of the flesh.
I decree that when temptation comes, we shall look for the way of escape.
I decree that the power to abstain comes through Christ Jesus, who strengthens us.
I decree that we cut off that which opens doors to sin and ungodliness.
I decree that we cut off that which will make one sin.
I declare that we walk in the power made available to us, the spiritual strength and self-control given by God, to compose ourselves, abstain from sin, and look the other way when faced with temptations.

Thanks be unto God, Jesus saves us from these bodies of death so that the good we want to do, we are empowered to do, and the things we don’t want to do, we will not find ourselves doing, through His transformative power.
Thanks be unto God that through Christ Jesus, we overcome the laws in our members, referring to the internal struggles and sinful inclinations that we all face, that are warring against us.
Thank you for the spiritual processes of deliverance, cleansing, washing, purging, separating from sin, sanctifying, pottering, cutting off, and cutting away everything that is not like You, which lead to our spiritual growth and alignment with Your will.

In His name, I pray. Amen.