Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, In Earth As It Is In Heaven

Prayers Addressing Self Worship

I target these ideas, philosophies, teachings, thoughts, and atheistic views that seek to influence people and have turned us away from You, that have us turn away from You as our Creator. These views would have the hearts of people to never rely on You and to believe in their hearts and to say to themselves that there is no God. I continue to target these viewpoints, even those that promote self-worship, that mislead people to believe they are their own answer and source and the source of their own truth. I target these worldviews, concepts, and perspectives that promote self-absorbed, self-determined, and self-centered thought patterns, processes, and lifestyles as if they do not need You. Father, I know You see the deceit that comes to people’s ears. I know that you see and hear every lie and that self-worship and self-glorification are promoted from various standpoints. I know that You see, and I pray because I see. I know that change must come, or these lies will lead many more astray. So I cry out against these viewpoints, ways of thinking, outlooks, and positions, praying for Your Word, the Truth of Your Word, to smother, suffocate, and choke out these perspectives that deny Your existence and authority.

May there be fewer and fewer people who eat this fruit of self-worship, and may fewer and fewer people be deceived. May fewer people fall prey to the illusion of self-sufficiency, and many more people see You and recognize that You are the answer and the source of all answers. May You be known and recognized as the All-Wise God You are. May You be sought after and pursued. And may we turn from looking to ourselves and to our finite wisdom but look to the one whose wisdom is infinite, whose knowledge and understanding is unsearchable. Father, help to stifle, to put out and choke out these viewpoints, these antigod perspectives that we can do whatever we want to do and that we need to do everything that we want to do and to act to glorify ourselves, that you only live once, so, therefore, we must try everything.

Father, hear my cry against these antigod ideologies, these antigod persuasions influencing people and how we move, how we operate, how we treat one another, and how we raise our children.

Father, smother those ideas that people will not be those who do what is right in their own eyes, but instead, they would fear the Lord and turn away from evil.

I release the Word of Romans 12:3 to bring conviction and correction, “think not more highly of yourself than you ought to think.” I pray that we acknowledge our limitations, our finite wisdom, our finite understanding, and our finite capacity and seek You, recognizing 1 Corinthians 4:7 that what knowledge, what understanding, what intellect, what wisdom we have, that it is a gift from God.

May we be freed from the deception of self-worship and the lies accompanying it. May they know that one’s love for oneself will lead to destruction. May we be loosed from self-glorification and self-exaltation. Father, where You see we think that we are our own answer and resource, may we be loosed from the worship of our abilities and our intellect. May we be free during this hour from looking at ourselves.

May the lies be silenced, the philosophies be silenced, and the antigod theories be silenced. May the efforts of those promoting this be weakened and determined to be futile. May You arise, forcing them to scatter.

May we be resolute in our return to worship You. May we transition from self-worship to the worship of the Almighty. May we shift from self-worship to the worship of Elohim. May we move from self-worship to the worship of Yahweh. May we transform from self-worship to the worship of El Olam. May we change from the worship of self to the worship of Yireh. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.