I pray for the souls of this nation according to Matthew 18:11, which tells us that the “Son of Man came to save that which was lost.” Thank You for salvation, for choosing to reconcile us rather than forsake us, and for the plan to provide a sacrifice for our sins. You are our God, who leaves the ninety-nine to go after the one and rejoices more over the one when you find them than the ninety-nine who did not leave. Therefore, I pray for the lost sheep and those who have gone astray.
I pray they are deeply conscious and aware of their current condition and their desperate need to be found. Father, as You look within this nation and see those who are not saved, every lost soul, every unredeemed soul, I pray they come to the deep awareness of their need to be saved and that You came to save them.
I pray for the lost sheep, those who have strayed from the path of righteousness, who have yet to hear the good news of salvation. May the gospel be preached in their ears today, which would cause them to be concerned about their condition. Father, as they become concerned, may there be a certain level of discomfort. Father, may they be worried and uneasy, concerned and troubled, concerned and restless, concerned and vexed regarding their condition.
I pray for the lost sheep. I pray that they can still hear You calling them and that they can still hear You calling their names. I pray they have not gone too far away from you or strayed away too far that they cannot hear Your voice anymore. I hold onto the hope that they can still be reached.
I also pray that the world’s noise, such as the clamor of materialism, the distractions of technology, the allure of worldly success, and the pressures of societal expectations, does not drown out Your voice. I pray that Your voice is not drowned out by the noise of personal circumstances or the nation’s circumstances. I pray that Your voice is not drowned out by the noise of other religions, heresies, pagans, philosophies, ideologies, and teachings.
Father, I declare a time of silence in the lives of the unsaved where the noise is too loud, hindering them from hearing Your call. This time of silence is a period of reflection and introspection, a pause in the chaos of their lives, where they can truly hear Your voice. I declare a time of silence. I turn down the noise in the name of Jesus. May the noise be muted in the name of Jesus. I declare the volume of the noise around them is lowered, and they can hear Your voice calling their names. I quiet those noises in the name of Jesus.
I pray that lost sheep do not stray further away. I pray that they stop wandering. Father, may there be an alert, a warning, a discomfort, or apprehension within them about going further away than what they are. May they be apprehensive about taking another step in the direction that they are going. May they be uneasy about dibbling and dabbling any further than what they are. May they be discomforted with their choices to further entertain the voices in their ear of evil, wickedness, antiChrist ideas and notions.
I pray the lost sheep are not hurt, wounded, or impaired. I pray they are not stuck or fallen into places that make recovering difficult. I pray they have not fallen into spiritual crevices, gaps, holes, or potholes that would cause them to be hurt, wounded, or damaged. Father, may angels surround them to keep them safe as You call out to them.
I pray that those who can hear will respond quickly. I pray for those who have heard and recognized Your voice that they are continuing to listen for Your voice. I pray for them that at the sound of Your voice, their ears perk, and they begin to look for the direction of Your voice to respond. I pray for those who hear that they are willing to submit, obey, take heed, draw nigh, and come close to You. I pray they are eager to turn around and submit their lives to You as their Shepherd.
I pray they are searching for a way out of their condition, a way out of the wilderness they are in, a way out of the darkness, a way to find light, a way to find a family, and a way to find the One they truly belong to-our loving and merciful God. May they find their true home in Him.
Father, continue to be patient and longsuffering toward them. As You call them, be patient as they respond. Continue to pursue them and call them by name. I know Your Word tells us that You are merciful, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness! So I ask that You continue calling, pursuing, and going after them.
The Word tells me that You are not slow to fulfill Your promise as some count slowness but are patient towards us, not wishing that any should perish but that all should reach repentance! Father, do not stop calling out for the lost sheep. Call them again! Call them again! Call them again! Deliver them, save them, from the dark places, deliver them, for we know the enemy is as a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. Continue to call them that they might be saved this hour.
In His name, I pray. Amen.