Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, In Earth As It Is In Heaven

Prayer Concerning Identity and Rejection

I pray for those who have been rejected and whom the enemy is now targeting to confuse and exploit. I pray because I know that You are a Mighty Deliverer.

I pray against the spirit of rejection. I pray against the works of this principality. I pray concerning its hold and its grasp. I pray concerning its influences on the mind, will, and emotions. I pray against its influences in our nation, in the atmosphere in our culture, influencing us ethically, influencing our perceptions, purposes, destinies, physical bodies, imaginations, and maturation. 

I pray against unholy alliances, satanic alliances, and associations established and orchestrated by Satan. I pray against the assignments and mandates issued to this spirit in the name of Jesus. I pray against this spirit and declare its demise in the name of Jesus.

I pray against this spirit, decreeing it falter and failure in the name of Jesus.

I pray against this spirit decreeing the feet be pulled from under it. I pray against this spirit and decree its destruction. I pray against this spirit and decree that it is an enemy of God and that, as an enemy of God, it shall wither away. I decree it shall perish and be scattered. I bind it. In words, I chain it and constrain in Jesus’ name and declare it shall prevail no more, for I am sent to declare that Jesus is Lord. For I am sent to declare that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. For I am sent to declare the authority of my God, the sovereignty of my God. I am sent to declare the reign of God is now, and the rule of God is now. I declare the kingdom is at hand. I declare the power of this kingdom is at hand. I declare the supremacy of this nation is at hand. I declare the highness of the kingdom is at hand. 

I declare that because the kingdom is at hand, liberty and freedom are at hand.

I bind the resources of this spirit, its goods, storage, alliances, influences, and positions. I bind, constrain, and seize its supplies, possessions, and belongings in the name of Jesus.

I loose and declare an undoing of its works and workings. I loose fear, shame, disappointment, hopelessness, distrust, mistrust, shame, anger, emotional trauma, low self-worth, identity disorders, confusion, misplaced identity, unacceptance of identity, identity refusal, identity delusion, identity denial, identity suppression, identity oppression, and identity repression.

The works of this spirit of rejection, I loose them and declare that Jesus was manifested to undo these words. I declare that He came to heal the brokenhearted, to give liberty to the captives, the opening of prison doors to those who are bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of my God.

May the brokenhearted know and see this freedom. May the gospel be preached in their ears. May they walk in wholeness and healing. May they walk in restoration and hope. May they walk in liberty. May those who have mourned be comforted. May they know who they are and to whom they belong. May they walk in godliness and in gladness with who You have determined them to be, no longer bound by confusion, shame, or rejection. May they stand in their truth, which is the decision of the Creator, and be free. Free from worry, unhappiness, and anxiety. 

Thank You for touching and moving now. May they come into the identity as children of God, as sons, as heirs, as fearfully and wonderfully made, as the apple of their Father’s eye as overcomers, as more than conquerors, as Your workmanship, as the heads, as chosen loved, forgiven, powerful, Your masterpiece, free, unchained and delivered in the name of Jesus. Amen.