Father, I know Your eye is in every place.
Father, every person with thoughts and ideas of despair roaming their minds, please touch them. Please keep them from hurting themselves and others.
For those who feel depressed, heavy, weighed down by life, hurt, and pain, give them a garment of praise in exchange for the spirit of heaviness. Father, surround them with songs of deliverance. Father, give them abundant joy. Father, I pray their joy be full according to John 16:24. I pray they experience Your presence, knowing that in it is the fullness of joy.
Father, where there is a loss of energy, give them strength.
Father, where there is a loss of focus, realign, recalibrate, and refocus.
Father, where there is despondency, bring back in.
Father, where there is a loss of appetite, touch their bellies.
May the joy of the Lord be their strength.
Father, I ask that You embrace those who do not feel love.
I ask that You surround them. I pray they feel Your love. I ask that You soothe and console them. Father, I ask that You quiet them by Your love. I ask that they experience Your steadfast love that endures forever. May they know the plans that You have for them that are of good and not of evil.
For those who may feel ashamed and guilty, may they learn of Your love, forgiveness, mercy, and lovingkindness. May they learn of the power of the blood. May they know that we all fall short. May they know there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus according to Romans 8:1. May they know You came to save and not to condemn, according to John 3:17.
Father, I ask that You help them overcome any shame or guilt. Father, help them to let go, release, and cast it upon You. Father, may they forgive themselves.
Father, for those who feel unseen, show them that Your eye is upon them. May they know You as Hagar came to know You, as El Roi, the God Who Sees Me. I ask You to see them where they are. Though they may be hidden from others, I know they are not hidden from You. Those who have gone into dark places and have run away, in the wildernesses of life, in places of desolation, who are alone, and thirsty, on their last leg, Father, see them and provide for them what is needed to come out. May they see the One who sees them. May they know of Your care for us.
Father, concerning those who feel helpless and hopeless, who do not see another way, I pray they see the ram in the bush. Jehovah Jireh, I ask You to provide. Provide the ram in the bush, manna from the sky, a way in the wilderness, and rivers in deserts. Father, open doors that are needed. I ask these things in the name of Jesus.
Father, step in on their behalf to overthrow and silence the enemy’s voice in their ear. Silence the one whispering the dark and harmful thoughts. I pray that You defend them, quench the arrows, bend the bow, dismantle them, and overthrow their enemies.
Father, give them Your grace, which I know to be sufficient. May they humble themselves so that the power of Christ will rest on them.
I declare concerning them they are more than conquerors.
I declare that they may be cast down but not destroyed.
I declare that concerning them, they may be perplexed but not in despair.
I declare that they may be pressed but not crushed.
I declare that they shall not die but live to declare the works of the Lord.
I declare that the enemy’s plans are canceled against them in the name of Jesus.
I declare concerning them that light has come.
I declare concerning them that they are soberminded.
I declare their thoughts are sound and rational.
I declare concerning them that they have a sound mind. I thank You, Father, for enabling them to reason soberly and soundly.
I declare they take captive every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of You.
I declare they are thinking on the things that are true, noble, pure, just, of good report, praiseworthy, and virtuous.
I declare that they are above and not beneath. I declare they are above worry, anxiety, sadness, and depression.
In His name, I pray. Amen.